Me Thinks!!!

Give me freedom or give me death!
Give me freedom or give me death!

It’s me Baboo Barber!

I finally have a WEB presence – and i intend to make use of this platform to help you with love and life!!!!

As many of you know – I am a Monkey with many talents and interests. Here you will learn the art of fine cuisine, travel suggestions, fashion tips, and i will share my many hobbies and friends with you.

Come along for rollicking ride and check back often.


2 thoughts on “Me Thinks!!!”

  1. Baboo,
    Do you find it difficult to deal with people who are dishonest and mean? How do you handle those types of behaviors?

    1. Dear Jennifer,
      I found it always best to take the high ground. Make people rise to your level, and if they can’t, find some new friends.
      You can always trust me,
      Love Baboo Barber

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